Saturday, September 15, 2012

ficus panda bonsai by air layering technique

Ficus Panda Bonsai by Air Layering Plant Propagation technique

Create ficus panda plant bonsai from one month in monsoon season using air layering techniques, it is easy and good result given art technique just using of transparent plastic, Chord, and loamy soil. first select good one branch which having growth and steam have thickness like school pencil remove the bark of upside make the one circle upside using sharp knife, and make second after five finer space. then rape some soil on it and last rape the plastic bag using Chord two sides or rubber band or gift packer band.

Ficus Panda Bonsai Airlayering
Ficus Plant Bonsai Air Layering Technique
Ficus Branch After Removing airlayered plant

bonsai air layering techniques
Air Layering
bonsai ficus ginseng tree
Ficus Ginseng Propogation by Air Layering

bonsai ceramic pots
Bonsai Pot / Container
bonsai ficus ginseng tree
Ficus Ginseng Bonsai Plant
airlayering bonsai plant technique